The first thing to do is go to your local WALMART, HomeDepot, or other hardware-ish store. Then, locate the paint aisle. You will find a rainbow of colorful paint sample cards:
Guess what? They're free. Yes. And perfectly bookmark shaped. And they're colorful. What more could you want?
Here are some of my new free bookmarks:
I like to coordinate the names of the colors with the kind of book I am reading. Like the card of "Saddlebury, Mushroom Taupe, Eagle's Peak and Oil Lamp" might make a good mark for a colonial times book. "Summer Rye, Honey, February Gold and Rich Amber" might go for a western/prairie/farmer book. "Arbor Walk, Irish Meadow, Shamrock and Cat's Eye Green" would be terrific for a romantic mystery novel set in Ireland.
You know you want to get some now. :]
I was going through my boxes of books and I found a couple that I had used paint cards to hold my place!
ReplyDeleteIt is a good idea.
I also read your English blog and I really wanted to comment. I agree with Pinkerdoodle. It seems like a lot of your classmates are getting "speech" and "language" confused. AND we must remember that speech is exactly an illusion. A tree is not a "tree", it is that plant with a slender trunk and leafy canopy. Speech has everything to do with speaking and not necessarily anything to do with communicating. Anyway, those are just my unwelcome thoughts and I felt weird posting them on your class blog, so I dumped them on you.
Thanks! I miss you a lot, too. It seems like we haven't talked in forever- we should. And I don't mean that in a "we used to be best friends but now that I've moved I really am just trying to break it off nicely and get on with my life" sort of way. More like "I wish we were still roomies and coworkers and co-conspirators" kind of way, except the roomie part. That wouldn't work out so well anymore.